The Legend Of Malakath

The Legend of Malakath

This story tells about one day, a few days before Samhein, when the veil between the mortal world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. It all happened in the small village of Arduïnia. At the time of this story, the village had just lost their spiritual protector. The once denied Willow, a viscous forest spirit seeking vengeance, showered the village with constant demon attacks. It was also on this day that a small band of Dark elves, along with their slaves, decided to attack the Dwarf Guild which was forming in the village. Among them was Malakath, a Dark Elf with a talent for battle, even for his kind.

After killing their slaves for cowardice, the Dark Elves faced the entire Dwarf Guild themselves. Once nearly all Dwarves were killed, a necromancer travelling through the village called an army of the Undead against the remaining Dark Elves. Malakath soon found himself against the animated corpses of his fallen foes and former comrades. The sheer number of foes proved to be too much even for him. In his last moments, he saw the necromancer standing over him. The necromancer, seeing in Malakath a powerful minion, raised him as an undead servant. But this was not enough . With the help of many other necromancers and mages, the necromancer performed a series of rituals, great and small, to further strengthen her new minion. Malakath now rose beyond the being of a mere animated corpse, and turned into a Lich, a powerful and intelligent form of undead, but remained under the command of his masters. His masters ordered him to protect them and the village against further attacks.

That evening, a demon hunter named Bran came to the village, claiming he killed the being that had “protected” the village for centuries. The villagers, furious, urged all the travellers, who were better equipped, to kill this demon hunter. Bran fled, and after following him for a while, the pursuers lost him. When they returned to the village, they found the villagers tied together. While they were away, Willow and her demons had attacked the village. They had been hiding in ambush for the travellers to return. Malakath was ordered to protect his masters against the attack, and to kill Willow if possible. But Willow had other plans. Calling upon her dark powers, Willow broke the chains that held Malakath, and bound him to her own will. Malakath, laughing at the taste freedom, gladly accepted her command. The necromancers now saw their greatest weapon turned against them, many fled ion terror for Malakath’s wrath. But there were still many that found enough courage to keep fighting. After the demons were chased away, a group of fighters, led by a Black Dragon named Jarkor, surrounded Malakath. After a long and hard battle they proved to be to many, and Malakath was slain. When his Undead body perished, Malakath felt his soul was once again free. But Malakath, a ruthless soul in life, has tasted great power in death. Some believe that his soul is now searching for a way to return, and should the day ever come that he finds it, the world will grow dark. For when the dead walk, the living fill the coffins.